Direct carrier billing (DCB) is one of the mobile payments that shows the greatest potential. Worldwide, carrier billing will continue to grow and is expected to fulfill Juniper Research’s predictions of generating $66 billion annually by 2023, with a total growth of 172% from 2020 until 2025.
Yet, as we’ve explained in greater detail in the DCB index created in partnership with Telecoming, the state of DCB and its development aren’t homogeneous. For this reason, players can’t approach its growth in the same manner, and with the same anti-fraud solutions. Here is our advice to ensure the best DCB development in 2022.
A DCB market facing “healthy issues”
This type of market condition is the ideal situation. Here, fraud is no longer unmanageable because the mobile players in the ecosystem have found the right tools to keep fraud at bay. The trust between players is strong enough to continue to make payments through the carrier billing channel.
The most common challenge facing mobile operators and merchants is learning how to manage the strong growth of user purchases through DCB. Oftentimes, this surge in growth brings along an increase of issues related to user awareness regarding their purchases. Landing pages must follow a clear deontological chart to make the entire purchasing experience clear to the user, with no misleading buttons and information. User complaints are the most frequent issue encountered in healthy DCB markets.
To manage user complaints, Evina offers a simple brand safety solution to track flows of traffic and determine the level of compliance of ad placements. The solution makes it easy to identify content providers that generate fraudulent traffic, hence that are the source that generates user complaints. Evina Eyewitness is the other solution that is tailor-made for this situation, as the first solution in the world able to record data-enriched videos of what users actually see and do on the payment page. It saves time and money in complaints management and helps all players to maintain trustful and transparent relationships.
Dormant DCB markets that are ready to reflourish in 2022
When mobile players who offer DCB are not able to establish a solid level of trust among merchants, payment aggregators, mobile operators, and regulators, this payment method is quick to fail. The element of trust is disrupted by levels of unmanaged fraud, and unfortunately, it results in the suspension of direct carrier billing. We’ve seen this situation numerous times, here is the perfect example.
Sometimes, all it takes to reopen a DCB flow is partnering with one merchant that has proven to bring healthy traffic with low user complaint rates by working with the right anti-fraud partner. As the mobile operator realizes the potential of DCB payment flows, other partners will implement the anti-fraud solutions to protect and quickly install this quick and easy payment channel.
In this case, mobile operators can suggest merchants implement the core anti-fraud solution to detect and help block fraud attempts, Evina DCBprotect. DCBprotect is powered by cutting-edge technology that detects 99,94% of fraudulent transactions, with a 0,06% false-positive rate and <100ms latency, assuring not only the best protection but also maximizing legitimate transactions and increasing DCB revenue.
DCB markets in critical fraud situations
Another situation we often see is markets where DCB is operational, yet heavily endangered by fraud attacks. Cybercriminals are hooked on these kinds of markets that haven’t adequately protected their mobile payment channels as they prey on the weakest links, with minimal to no anti-fraud protection.
High levels of fraud compromise the trust between mobile operators and merchants, and jeopardize the existence of DCB. In fact, we have dealt with situations where mobile operators have resorted to shutting down DCB altogether, thinking there was no other way.
The solution here is to start protecting DCB as quickly as possible with the most effective anti-fraud solutions, starting with Evina DCBprotect. In addition to the core solution, players can implement the aforementioned solutions Evina Eyewitness and brand safety, to meet specific needs and reduce user complaints, after solving the heart of the problem.