We give our clients access to the world’s top talent to help them manage today’s global mobile threats and ensure their organization’s mobile interests are protected.
This month, we introduce you the newly-hired, well-known in the industry and highly-capable Nadia Daif who joined us last month as Evina’s Customer Success Manager. Her mission is to support you through traffic optimization and business growth.
You worked for every type of player in the carrier billing market, from SFR to Hipay for many years. How has our industry changed?
I joined the well-known French carrier SFR over 15 years ago when mobile was all about ringtones and logos. I also worked for the content provider Buongiorno followed by the payment service provider Hipay. The fact that I’ve been involved in all areas of our industry from overall strategy to daily business operations gives me a uniquely wide perspective to better understand and help our clients.
It’s been an amazing experience to witness first-hand the evolution of the mobile industry into this multidimensional ecosystem that today powers almost every aspect of our modern world.
Today, you can easily buy a bus ticket, pay a taxi or even donate to an association with your mobile phone. To transition from mobile content provision to mobile monetization is an extremely satisfying journey because one sees up close how mobile technology has progressed from pure entertainment to an integral part of everyday commerce.
What is the first piece of advice you would give to our clients to improve their business performances?
Over the past three years I’ve seen fraud impact mobile monetisation to such an extent that some mobile network operators were seriously thinking about stopping their carrier billing solutions while merchants too were becoming very reluctant to do mobile-based business. Even customers were becoming afraid of engaging in mobile purchasing.
This is simply a challenge to be managed, however. Flow types can always be optimized, one can always set up one-click flow and one can always have a better relationship with carriers. You have to persevere, identify contacts and come back to us for the guidance and support that will help your network run better. The mobile ecosystem now has access to secure payment methods that are constantly refined and improved in pursuit of the payment safety mission.
How can carrier billing continue to be a leading source of revenue in the mobile monetization market?
Carrier billing is currently the most efficient way to process transactions, ensuring a frictionless experience to the user.
The age of poor quality has finally given way to a golden age of monetization that means opportunities abound. However, it also means the user flow has to be as good if not better than the other digital payment methods.
Our customers understand this and with Evina, they know they can grow their business underpinned by the best the world of cybersecurity has to offer. The best example is how, almost four years ago, one particularly massive malware fraud reached the European market leading to drastic measures from the carriers. The market players eventually managed to identify the fraud, successfully overcome it with the help of Evina and this resulted in many markets finding their second wind and eventual prosperity. Some European carriers even saw their fraud rate fall from 14% to below 1% while their benefit was multiplied by 4. Another output in mind, a payment gateway, Evina’s client in northern Europe, had its refund cost dropped from €14,000 to €1,000 per month maintaining the same revenue.