ONE10Labs, a Dubai-based mobile app creator and digital advertiser, has teamed up with Evina, a cybersecurity expert, to reinforce the authenticity of its carrier billing traffic, particularly from Demand-Side-Platforms (DSPs)*.
ONE10Labs is a fast-growing established player in the telecoms industry, currently working with more than 42 telecom operators across the globe to implement the fastest and easiest direct carrier billing (DCB) payments for users worldwide to access its top-quality, interactive experiences. By working with DSPs, ONE10Labs can optimize traffic management yet also faces the risk of processing inauthentic traffic and, thus, carrier billing payments.
To ensure authentic, safe transactions and its business growth, ONE10Labs implemented DCBprotect and Brandprotect, two Evina cybersecurity solutions part of the solution suite Evina DCB 360, that detect and block all fraud attempts on carrier billing. Implementing these solutions resulted in not only blocking fraud attempts and reducing complaint rates but also strengthening trust with telecom operators, expanding into new DCB markets with greater confidence and control, and increasing traffic acquisition levels.
“After implementing Evina DCBprotect, we have been able to expand our coverage more swiftly, control our traffic more effectively, and utilize our spend more efficiently.” said Rony Dagher, CEO & Founder from ONE10Labs. “In addition, Evina has pushed our already solid reputation to new heights through increased trust and credibility.”
David Lotfi, CEO at Evina, adds, “We are delighted to be working with ONE10Labs, a forward-thinking company that has a clear vision of where the carrier billing industry is going and the massive opportunities with cybersecurity as a key component of the growth strategy. We will now be able to further perfect our fraud detection models even more accurately in the MENA region and throughout the world where ONE10Labs is present.”
*DSPs serve as a marketing automation tool, enabling mobile advertisers to buy high-quality traffic on a large scale with minimal friction.